Text Alternative for Radiocarbon Dating Figure 21

An accessible text alternative for figure 21 of a flow diagram to illustrate the steps needed when deciding which calcined bones should be dated.

Is the bone black/charred?

If yes, be afraid.

If not, is the bone completely light grey to white?

No. Is the colour variable, then be afraid.

If you're unsure, sediment adhering to the surface of bone can make visual assessment problematic. Consider FTIR.

If the bone is completely light grey to white, is it more than 2g in size? This is suitable for dating.

If not, then can fragments be bulked together with others from the same individual so that they weigh more than 2g?

If so, then yes, the sample is suitable for dating.

If not, then your sample is unlikely to contain sufficient carbon.

Consider dating short-lived charcoal fragments (pyre material) to ensure no 'old wood' effect.