Text Alternative for Radiocarbon Dating Figure 23

An accessible text alternative for figure 23 of a flow diagram to illustrate the steps needed when deciding which bones should be dated.

Can the bone be identified?

No, be afraid. The sources of dietary protein in the carbon in the sample is unknown. Don't date unless desperate because it will there be a strong chance that it's too old.

If yes, does the species have a predominantly terrestrial diet?

If yes, is cortical bone available?

If yes, it's a suitable choice for dating. (1st choice)

If not, then it's a suitable choice for dating, but it's not as good. (2nd choice)

If the species does not have a terrestrial diet, predominantly, does the species have predominantly a marine diet?

If yes, then be afraid because the marine reservoir correction will be needed.

If no, does the species have a freshwater diet predominantly?

If yes, do you know the local freshwater reservoir?

If yes, be afraid, a freshwater reservoir correction will be needed.

If not, run for the hills.