Acquisition Grants to Underwrite Repairs Notices
We offer grants to help local authorities underwrite the cost of serving a Repairs Notice under sections 47, 48 and 52 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 on historic buildings which have fallen into a serious and dangerous state of decay.
Eligible projects
All applications are assessed against our grant priorities.
As well as funding local authorities to underwrite the cost of serving a Repairs Notice, we can also, in extreme cases, help with the subsequent acquisition of a building if such action, as a last resort, is deemed necessary.
Grant eligible expenditure can include the cost of professional services bought in by an authority to enable it to serve Repairs Notices, as well as the acquisition price. We will expect acquisition and onward sale of a property to be substantially self-financing.
We will also expect to be presented with viable proposals for the long-term future of a building before an acquisition grant is considered in detail. This grant scheme is administered by the staff in our local offices who can advise you whether your project will be a priority for support.
Procurement regulations
Public procurement regulations mean that if more than 50% of a project is publicly funded, applicants to this scheme will have to demonstrate they have appointed any professional advisers in a competitive way. You will also have to tender for the building contract. Please see our Procurement Regulations page for detailed guidance.
How and when to apply
If you want to apply for a grant under this scheme, you will need to complete an application form. Applications can be received throughout the year.
Please see our free, downloadable combined guidance and application form for this scheme for more detailed information:
Guidance on enforcement action
In conjunction with the Institute of Historic Building Conservation, under our former name of English Heritage we published guidance on enforcement action to help local authorities make effective use of these powers. Stopping the Rot: A Guide to Enforcement Action to Save Historic Buildings provides step-by-step advice on the use of the main procedures and includes case studies and a selection of specimen letters, notices, schedules and agreements.