Collection: Professor Stanley Beaver Collection

Early - Mid 20th Century
Collection containing Photographic material
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The collection comprises 16 black & white lantern slides showing mines, quarry workings and mineral extraction. Professor Stanley Beaver was the Founding Professor of Geography at Keele University (1950-1974). Prior to this he worked at the London School of Economics where he collaborated with L. Dudly Stamp in writing The British Isles (1933). His studies concentrated on the mineral, manufacturing and transport industries. The slides may have been a lecturing or research aid from his academic career. Each slide is inscribed with brief description and location.

Some slides are marked ‘Geol Survey Photo', these were taken by J Rhodes for the British Geological Society, and presumably copied at a later date by Professor Beaver.

Archival History

Received Via : Professor A L F Rivet (former RCHME Commissioner), 1986 Provenance : Stanley Beaver was a former professor of geography at Keele University; this collection of slides was likely to have been a lecturing or research aid


This Collection is divided into 16 Child Records
This Collection contains the following materials:
Photograph (Lantern Slide): 16


Contact Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Beaver, Stanley

Photographer: Rhodes, John


Ironstone Pit, Quarry, Colliery, Gravel Pit, Mining Industry