Series: Half Plate Glass and Film Negatives

1900 - 1930
Greater London Authority
Series containing Photographic and Electronic material
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Three hundred and sixty one glass plate and film negatives from Julian Joseph Samuels Ltd showing a variety of London landmarks and street scenes. Many of the negatives are produced from prints of images in this series and in SAM01/01. Sites include Horse Guards, Westminster Bridge, Whitehall, Bank Junction and the Wellington Arch. War memorials such as the Cenotaph, the Imperial Camel Corps Memorial and the Royal Artillery Memorial are also included.

In addition there a number of images showing the General Strike of May 1926. These include images of both the strikers and of the army deployed on the streets and were taken for an unknown purpose.

Other images include views of London Zoo in the 1920s, victory parades following the end of the First World War, a small number of portraits and a selection of floodlit buildings at night.

Fifteen negatives are uncatalogued due to their content.


This is part of the Collection: SAM01 Julian Joseph Samuels Collection

This Series is divided into 361 Child Records
This Series contains the following materials:
Photograph (Negative): 15
Photograph (Negative): 361
Photograph (Print): 7
Photograph (Digital): 337


Source: Historic England Archive