Volume: Dover Western Heights, The Drop Redoubt

Western Heights, Drop Redoubt, Dover, Western Heights, Dover, Kent
Volume containing Textual material
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Between April 1998 and July 1999 staff from the Cambridge office of RCHME carried out a survey and analysis of the earthworks, buildings and structures of the Drop Redoubt, a 19th-century artillery fortification forming part of the extensive defences on the Western Heights, in Dover. The survey formed part of the Western Heights Project which was undertaken at the request of Kent County Council as part of an Interreg II programme relating to historic fortifications in Kent, Nord-Pas de Calais and West Flanders.


This is part of the Series: RCH01/119 Dover Western Heights Project; within the Collection: RCH01 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) Archive

This Volume is divided into 1 Child Record
This Volume contains the following materials:
Report: 1


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Archaeological Field Investigator: Brown, Moraig

Archaeological Field Investigator: Menuge, Adam

Archaeological Field Investigator: Williams, Andrew

Archaeological Field Investigator: Pattison, Paul

Customer: Kent County Council


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