The tenth report on Local Authority Staff Resources
By Owain Lloyd-James
Figures collected in early 2018 show that there were 798.1 full-time equivalent (FTE) historic environment specialists providing advice to local authorities in England.
This comprises:
- 533.4 FTEs working on building and area conservation; and
- 264.7 FTEs providing archaeological advice.
In the past 12 months:
- the number of conservation specialists has increased by 3% (15.7 FTE); and
- the number of archaeological specialists advising local authorities in England has increased by 1% (1.9 FTE).
Since 2006:
- the number of conservation specialists has fallen by 35% (283.4 FTE); and
- the number of archaeological specialists advising local authorities in England has fallen by 35% (142.5 FTE).
In the last 12 months, the number of planning application decisions and Listed Building Consent decisions (both indicators of workload) decreased by 1.8% and 4.8% respectively (table 1).
This report has been produced by Historic England in partnership with the Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers (ALGAO), the forum representing archaeologists working for local authorities and national parks and advising on all aspects of the historic environment; and the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC), the UK's lead professional body for built and historic environment practitioners working for the conservation, care, regeneration and future of our valued places.
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Local authority specialist provision
- Regional breakdown
- Planning data 2016/17
Additional Information
- Publication Status: Completed
- Pages: 6
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