Discovering and Understanding Our Heritage

Much of England’s heritage still remains to be discovered. Historic England is prioritizing survey work where our knowledge is weakest or the threat of loss is highest. A wide range of methods are employed to rapidly identify and understand what is out there, its significance, and what condition it is in.

Key priorities for research have been identified in the following areas:

  • Early Prehistory

    These pages explain Historic England's work on early prehistory through recent and current projects.

  • Landscapes

    We identify archaeological sites and landscapes using aerial photography, lidar, geophysics, earthwork analysis and excavation.

  • Coastal, Marine and Maritime Heritage Research

    An introduction to the richness of England’s coastal and maritime heritage and the role of Historic England in understanding and safeguarding it.

  • Faith and Commemoration

    Historic England's current and planned research into faith buildings such as churches, mosques or temples and commemoration of the dead at cemeteries.

  • Industrial Heritage Research

    An overview of our ongoing research into industrial heritage and infrastructure

  • Military Heritage

    This page provides information on Historic England's current military heritage projects

  • Rural Heritage

    We explain our techniques of investigation, which explore how people have exploited and used the landscape, resulting in the heritage we see today.

  • Urban and Public Realm

    Information on Historic England’s recent Urban and Public realm projects.

  • Climate Change Research

    Historic England research into how climate change affects the historic environment.