Mackenzie Memorial, Omerod Road, Burnley, Lancashire

This memorial to Sir James Mackenzie, a famous local doctor, was made in c1931 by F Roslyn. It is in Thompson Park. It has the inscription "SIR JAMES / MACKENZIE / M.D., LL.D, F.R.S., F.R.C.P. / 1833-1925 / WHO ACHIEVED FAME / BY HIS RESEARCHES / IN CONNECTION WITH / DISEASES OF THE HEART / AND WAS FROM / 1879 TO 1907 / A GENERAL PRACTITIONER / IN BURNLEY". Mackenzie was the first person to devise a machine, the polygraph, to measure the pulse and make original distinctions between harmless and dangerous types of pulse irregularities in the heart.


Lancashire Burnley


1930s (1930 - 1938)


monument memorial remembrance medicine disease 1930s (1930 - 1938)