Old Palace School, Old Palace Road, Croydon, Greater London

This building was originally a Medieval manor house. It was used as a summer residence of the Archbishops of Canterbury from 1273 to 1780. The Great Hall that still remains was probably built by Archbishop Stafford (d 1452). The first floor "Guard Room", now the school library is thought to date from the time of Archbishop Arundel (1353-1414). The Palace, as it was known, was sold in 1780. In 1818 it became a linen factory. Its garden was used as a bleaching ground for the cloth being made. In 1887 it was given to the Sisters of the Church who converted in to a High School for girls.


Greater London Croydon


Medieval (Middle Ages) (1066 - 1484)


manor religion factory school education architecture Medieval (1066 - 1484)