Rows of solar panels on a grassy area in front of a bush and red brick building

Heritage Carbon Literacy Course

Carbon Literacy is a key way for organisations to gain an awareness of the causes and impacts of climate change and an understanding of carbon emissions. It provides an excellent foundation for individuals, teams, and organisations to begin taking steps towards reducing their carbon emissions and becoming more environmentally sustainable.

Sign up to attend a Heritage Carbon Literacy course

The Carbon Literacy course has been designed specifically for the Heritage sector. It uses heritage case studies and examples to explore the issues around the impact of climate change and suggest how organisations can begin to reduce their own carbon emissions.

We are partnering with several organisations to deliver carbon literacy training to the sector. There are courses available to specific member groups as well as open courses.

For more information on dates and the courses available, see below:

The Heritage Carbon Literacy course is now available to individual organisations to train their teams

In collaboration with the Carbon Literacy Project, we are pleased to offer the Heritage Carbon Literacy Course for free to individual organisations so that they can train their staff, trustees, volunteers, etc.

If you would like to discuss using the course, please contact us.

Email the team

What are the benefits of going on carbon literacy training?

As an individual, Carbon Literacy is an opportunity to gain a nationally recognised accreditation. You will be able to understand more about your carbon footprint and pledge to make a difference.

As a team, Carbon Literacy allows you to collaborate and generate ideas on topics such as ‘What does a low carbon heritage organisation look like?’ and ‘What co-benefits can historic environments and climate actions have?’.

As an organisation, your staff will understand the impacts of climate change and actions. It will support organisational behaviour change, contributing to sustainability and Net Zero goals.

As a sector, this training will help us collectively make a difference by requiring us to take responsibility and commit to lowering our emissions.

Heritage Carbon Literacy training & grants

We are working with some grant recipients to offer the Heritage Carbon Literacy Training

More information can be found in the Guidance for Applicants below.

Our Grant Schemes