Gas Holder Park
Gas Holder Park, King's Cross, London © Historic England DP220095
Gas Holder Park, King's Cross, London © Historic England DP220095

Our Response to the Draft London Plan Consultation

The Mayor of London has prepared and consulted on a new London Plan to help deliver his strategic vision for 'Good Growth' and a greener, better connected, healthier London.

The new Plan has also raised London's growth targets. It seeks to deliver 66,000 new homes a year, without building on the green belt or other green open space. This inevitably will create tensions for London's heritage, which the Plan seeks to address in a positive manner, with heritage being given a higher profile than in previous versions.

Clearer policies have been introduced to respond to Local Character and Views, Heritage at Risk, Archaeology, World Heritage Sites, Pubs and the heritage of Town Centres, which Historic England welcomes. However, we have identified the Small Sites and Opportunity Areas policies as a cause for concern, which we are keen to see addressed before the Plan is adopted.

Further to our Keep it London campaign, and the research reports we have produced to support the development of the London Plan, including our Good Growth report, Historic England's full response to the draft can be downloaded below:

Historic England has also responded to the other Mayoral strategies that have been consulted upon. These strategies will interact with the London Plan, supporting its development and delivery, and cover issues including transport, the environment and housing.

Read our strategy responses